Innlegg tagget cinema
"Malefic, negative and destructive": A Day of Spooks at the NFK's Annual Conference

I’ll admit that historically I’ve been a bit of a baby when it comes to horror, but I couldn’t resist the temptation of dipping my toes further into the genre when the Norsk Filmklubbforbund (Norwegian Federation of Film Societies - NFK) announced its annual film seminar theme would indeed be that.

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Purveyors of Taste: The Letterboxd Generation

We’re living in the age of the curated streaming service and neighborhood art cinema. As zillennials cling to their cassette tapes and MUBI subscriptions, a new form of tastemaking and social hierarchy has emerged in the artsy crowd. Letterboxd, a film review platform, provides a safe haven for those with “unconventional” tastes and an ironic distance to the Hollywood blockbusters they diligently watch.

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Why I Dance – en dansedokumentar med funnet mening

Why I Dance (2021) er en dansedokumentar regissert av Andreas Strand Renberg med koreografi av Louis Clément da Costa. Den tar for seg hva det betyr for en sammensatt gruppe rwandiske dansere å uttrykke seg gjennom den fysiske kunstformen. Men uten en klar visjon for dokumentarens innhold, hva slags historie er det filmen ender opp med å fortelle?

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